What is the FOIL method in Algebra?

If you’re studying algebra, you may have come across the FOIL method.

FOIL is an acronym that stands for F irst, O uter, I nner, L ast and is a technique used to expand two binomials – expressions that consist of two terms.

The FOIL method helps you remember the order in which to multiply the terms of each binomial and ensures you don’t accidentally miss any combinations.

The FOIL method is a simple and efficient way to multiply binomials.

What Is The FOIL Method?

FOIL is an acronym that stands for First, Outer (or Outside), Inner (or Inside), and Last.

The FOIL Method involves multiplying the first term of each binomial, then the outer terms, then the inner terms, and finally the last terms. Once you have multiplied all the terms, you add them together to get the final answer.

Here’s a simple binomial expression:

(1 + 2x)(3 - 4x)

To expand this expression you can apply the FOIL method and this would involve the following at each step:

Step Expression Result
First ( \ \fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$1$} + 2x \ )( \ \fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$3$} - 4x \ ) 1 \times 3 = 3
Outer ( \ \fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$1$} + 2x \ )( \ 3 \fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$- 4x$} \ ) 1 \times -4x = -4x
Inner ( \ 1 \fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$+ 2x$} \ )( \ \fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$3$} - 4x \ ) 2x \times 3 = 6x
Last ( \ 1 \fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$+ 2x$} \ )( \ 3 \fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$- 4x$} \ ) 2x \times -4x = -8x^{2}

As you can see from the above table the FOIL method helps to point which term within the binomial expression you need to multiply together.

In the example above, you would have the following result when each of the results are added together:

3 \ + \ -4x \ + \ 6x \ + \ -8x^{2} \\ 3 \ - \ 4x \ + \ 6x \ - \ 8x^{2} \\ 3 \ + \ 2x \ - \ 8x^2 

As you can see from the above, once you have the results from each FOIL you can then merge the like terms together until you have the final expanded expression.

The FOIL Method is a useful tool for multiplying binomials quickly and efficiently. It is important to remember the order of operations and to take your time when working through the steps.

FOIL Method: Step By Step

As explained above, FOIL stands for First, Outer, Inner, and Last. The FOIL method is a way to multiply two binomials together.

From the demonstration above, you can create a step-by-step process as follows:

Step 1: Multiply the First Terms

Take the first term from each binomial and multiply them together. This gives you the first term of your answer.

Binomial 1 Binomial 2 First Answer
\fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$1$} + 2x \fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$3$} - 4x 1 \times 3 = 3

Step 2: Multiply the Outer Terms

Take the outer term from each binomial and multiply them together. This gives you the second term of your answer. For example:

Binomial 1 Binomial 2 Outer Answer
\fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$1$} + 2x 3 \fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$- 4x$} 1 \times -4x = -4x

Step 3: Multiply the Inner Terms

Take the inner term from each binomial and multiply them together. This gives you the third term of your answer. For example:

Binomial 1 Binomial 2 Inner Answer
1 + \fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$2x$} \fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$3$} - 4x 2x \times 3 = 6x

Step 4: Multiply the Last Terms

Take the last term from each binomial and multiply them together. This gives you the fourth term of your answer. For example:

Binomial 1 Binomial 2 Last Answer
1 + \fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$2x$} 3 \fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$- 4x$} 2x \times -4x = -8x^2

Step 5: Add All Results Together

Add up the terms you got from each step to get your final answer. For example:

First Answer Outer Answer Inner Answer Last Answer
3 -4x 6x -8x^2
3 \ + \ -4x \ + \ 6x \ + \ -8x^2

Step 6: Simplify Like Terms

Identify any like terms and apply their operations.

3 \ + \ \fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$-4x$} \ \fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$+ \ 6x$} \ + \ -8x^2 \\ 3 \ +2x \ - \ 8x^2

That’s it! That’s how you use the FOIL method to multiply two binomials together in a simple step by step manner.

Why Is The FOIL Method Important?

The FOIL method is an important tool in algebra that helps you multiply two binomials quickly and accurately. It is a simple and straightforward method that can save you time and reduce the risk of making mistakes when multiplying binomials.

By using the FOIL method, you can break down a complex multiplication problem into four smaller and simpler problems. This makes it easier to keep track of the different terms and ensure that you don’t miss any of them when multiplying the binomials. The FOIL method is especially useful when dealing with more complex polynomials that have more than two terms.

Another reason why the FOIL method is essential is that it helps you develop a deeper understanding of algebraic concepts such as the distributive property. By practising the FOIL method, you can improve your algebraic skills and become more comfortable with manipulating expressions and solving equations.

Advantages Of The FOIL Method

The FOIL method offers significant advantages in terms of speed and accuracy when multiplying binomials, making it a valuable technique for simplifying algebraic equations.

Increased Accuracy In Algebraic Calculations

Using the FOIL method in algebra can increase accuracy in calculations. When multiplying binomials, it can be easy to make small mistakes that throw off the entire expansion.

The FOIL method provides a structured approach to ensure all terms are multiplied correctly and combined accurately.

By following this structured approach with every multiplication problem involving binomials, students can see significant improvements in their accuracy and confidence when working with algebraic expressions.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using the FOIL Method

When using the FOIL method in algebra, there are a few common mistakes that you should avoid to ensure accurate results. Here are some of the most common mistakes that students make:

  • Forgetting to distribute the negative sign: When using the FOIL method to multiply binomials, it’s important to remember to distribute the negative sign if one of the terms is negative. Remember that whatever sign is in front of a term belongs to that term when multiplying. For example, if you are multiplying (x - 3)(x + 2) , the second term (x - \fcolorbox{red}{yellow}{$3$})(x + 2) is -3 .
  • Multiplying the wrong terms: Another common mistake is multiplying the wrong terms. When using the FOIL method, you need to multiply the First terms, the Outer terms, the Inner terms, and the Last terms. Make sure you are multiplying the correct terms to avoid errors.
  • Forgetting to simplify: After multiplying the terms using the FOIL method, it’s important to simplify the expression. This involves combining like terms and putting the expression in standard form. Don’t forget this step!

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that you get accurate results when using the FOIL method in algebra. Remember to take your time and double-check your work to catch any errors.


By now, you should have a good understanding of the FOIL method and how it can be used to multiply binomials. Remember, FOIL stands for First, Outer, Inner, and Last, which refers to the order in which you multiply the terms of two binomials.

The FOIL method is a useful tool for simplifying algebraic expressions, and it can be applied to a wide range of problems. However, it is important to note that it is not the only method for multiplying binomials, and there may be situations where other methods are more appropriate.

When using the FOIL method, it is important to take your time and be careful with your calculations. Remember to distribute the signs correctly and combine like terms to simplify your answer. Practice makes perfect, so keep working on problems until you feel comfortable with the process.

Overall, the FOIL method is a valuable tool to have in your algebra toolkit. With practice and patience, you can become proficient at using it to simplify complex expressions and solve a variety of algebraic problems.